A11 ON3 EARTH is...
A community of individuals dedicated to spreading knowledge and bringing awareness to the benefits of a divine connection to nature. We do this by creating community and sustainable food practices that benefit ALL beings on Earth.

For too long, we have created destruction upon the planet. It's time to make a change!
A11 ON3 EARTH aims to create a space, where individuals are given the opportunity to come together, build and restore life.
We will create community connections that allow humanity to restore the earth from within their own backyards and communities.

It is essential that we build community and connection, not only with the planet but with each other as a human race. Together we will build new communities where humanity is allowed to thrive, heal and be provided for freely from nature itself.
We will first build connection through online groups, where we will combine our knowledge and ideas. Before ultimately coming together to take action to these ideas by building sustainable communities, food forest and permaculture farms throughout the nation and eventually the world.

We believe in restoring humanity to a natural way of being that uplifts rather than destroys. This will bring ease, peace and an abundance of life to All Beings.
For as one prospers we all prosper,
and when one suffers we all suffer...
For We Are All One

By creating food forests and spreading the knowledge of permaculture farming practices that will supplant traditional farming methods. We sustain our survival as a species and give not only an abundance of necessary resources to ourselves but to all that surrounds us.
We plan to spread these concepts and ideas throughout the entirety of the United States before transcending to the World.

In the age of information it is easier than ever to spread and access knowledge.
A11 ON3 EARTH plans to use this accessibility to spread the information that we gain as a community into the world at large.
Teaching and creating a safe space to learn and develop the skills that allow us to care for and heal ourselves as well as the planet.